Sunday, February 10, 2008

Silk Is Waiting At the Gate

One good thing I noticed this morning was that the sun was already rising as I came out the back door to feed the horses. I hate going out in the blackness with a flashlight when I get up. Another good thing was that I was able to score one last load of really gorgeous hay today. I almost didn’t drive up there, but I had a feeling in my gut that there might not be any more of this quality for a while. I was right. I bought the last of the load. To my surprise, I drove into a full blown snowstorm to get it. There was about six or eight inches on the road and covering the fields just north of us.

Back at my little rancho, the sun was shining, and the ground was clear. Silk was waiting for me at the gate. It’s only about a half hour away, but we’re at a lower elevation. The horses got to run around. I cleaned my car, trying to brush out hay from absolutely everywhere.

It reminded me of a quote by Helen Thompson:“You can tell a horse owner by the interior of their car. Boots, mud, pony nuts, straw, items of tack , and a screwed up waxed jacket of incredible antiquity. There is normally a top layer of children and dogs.” Welcome to my world. I've always got hay in all my pockets.

Fortunately, I read the weather forecast and noted that the temperature was going to drop down into the teens tonight. As the wind began to whip up. I blanketed the horses. Now, less than an hour later, just as I tucked them into their stalls and gave them some dinner, the snow started to fall. In only twenty minutes, the ground was completely covered with about an inch and a half of wet white stuff. But Spring is just around the corner, I swear it is.


Rising Rainbow said...

The hay in my pockets kills me. No matter how hard I try, I cannot take something out of my pocket without bringing along a sprinkling of hay. I am glad I am not alone. LOL

Victoria Cummings said...

Wear that hay like a badge of honor, MiKael!

Heidi the Hick said...

I must be weird. Either that or I'm fanatical about shaking all the hay out. Were any of you raised on farms? My parents weren't clean freaks, but we weren't allowed to wear our "good" clothes out to the barn.

In any case, now that I have to drive to the horses, I care less about getting horse hair and hay in my truck. Badge of honour!!!!

The weather was ghastly here in Ontario. I'll write about it tomorrow. Cccccccold!

Farm Girl said...

Spring can't get here soon enough for me! No now, but 10 degrees and falling with winds gusting to 17 miles an hour! Ick!

Gland to hear that you got your load of hay in.

Always have hay in my pockets too. Others just don't understand this!

Grey Horse Matters said...

It seems I always have hay in my pockets, my car, no outfit is complete with out horse hairs and maybe a little horse slobber and mud on my boots. Try as I might I can't stay clean. When we used to go to shows I marveled at the competitors who always looked so perfect, I was a mess before I even got to the show.
With the weather we are having I'm sure it is a good feeling to have the hay you need.

billie said...

Hay in pockets - in every single pocket, even the coats I don't wear to the barn! How in the world did THAT happen?

We had extremely high winds today - I had to close up the barn b/c the winds were blowing in the opposite direction from usual and it was like a wind tunnel in there. The poor horses are all shifted around b/c I needed to keep one side of the barn closed through the night.

So glad you got your hay and everyone is snug for the night.

Gecko said...

What a quote, so unbelievably true!
Heidi, I've been on the same farm all my life, and only yesterday a friend teased me for saying "Hang on while I get out of my town clothes". I was silly enough to think I could duck down to get the mail and come back, without having to change out of my "town" clothes, but of course there was a snake, fighting bulls, and a wet dog within that 500m!!!

M. C. Valada said...

All of my friends and family members tell me my Odyssey smells of horse, and I don't even transport him myself. It's probably the bag which contains my different boots and jackets--all of which have shavings and hay in the pockets.

Anonymous said...

I can definitely relate the car thing . I'm always toting around arena sand, horse hair, tack, brushes, helmets, crops, chaps, saddle pads. And it's all usually in my back seat.

I don't have to feed horses every day so I don't tend to tote around hay, but I've spent the last 14 years of my life consistently covered in gray horse hair.