Did you see the moon these last few nights? I've been saying how much I loved looking at it. My husband took this photo and surprised me with it in my email this morning. I get a “Full Moon Update” each month from a friend of mine. For December, it is recommended to move to a new and better place in your life, entertain the need to do something new that you love to do and honor your intention.
I was listening to an old Paul Simon album, “Hearts and Bones”, the other day and came across these lyrics in a song about the moon:
“If you want to write a song about the heart,
and its ever-longing for a counterpart,
write a song about the moon.”
The moon has been just beautiful to gaze at this month. I heard on the news that this was the lowest the moon has been in the sky in the last 15 years. My husband insists the reporter said 50 years. One of us is right, but it doesn't matter. It's still the lowest and I suppose that is why it is so bright and seems so much nearer.
Great photo! What light.
And the "advice" for December is particularly relevant. :-)
That is just lovely. It looks so peaceful
Virginia...funny thing....the moon was still up this morning when I went out to do chores. It is very strong and bright lately...Just beautiful.
Arlene, I read 15 somewhere online this week.
Lovely photo, Victoria! Tonight on the way back from Pony Club Christmas party we saw the moon behind one thin veil of cloud, and it had two grayish lines that waved through it.
It's been a stunning full moon this month, for sure.
I'm surprised! I reflected on the wonderful moonlight this past week here in Niger, telling Anette that if the moon is as good as this, we could very well be out cantering in the bush (at night)! I didn't think of it being as beautiful ALL OVER the world - that is incredible!!
Greetings from West Africa,
Lovely picture! I've been enjoying the moon too... last night it was gorgeous, the hard glittering light that comes when the temp is below -19 degrees and it just snowed.
Full moon over a snowy landscape... two things often happen:
Diamonds in the snow when it's really, really cold.
Opportunity to drive at night without headlights! At least it is safe out on the country roads, don't recommend it for urban dwellers. *g*
Great picture.
That is an amazing photo! Yes, the moon has been just beautiful lately -- ever since Thanksgiving when Jupiter and Venus (was it Venus?) appeared it has been great. Your weather has been really something -- we have been hearing about it on the news. It does make it more challenging caring for the animals. I had to put a coat on my goat (I posted a photo on my blog). But even in this cold, my favorite place is the barn!! Sounds like yours is, too.....
The moon really is beautiful right now.......and what a great picture your husband took.
I love this blog !!! Been following it for about a year now and it's my favorite. Thanks
LOVE the pic of the moon! Beautiful! Hope your gorls are feeling well. Have got some reading to do get cought up with everybody!
This post was a big hmmmmm...for me. Especially the part about what December being about new beginnings and honouring the things that I love to do. My life is in flux, upheaval, transition right now. Things are definitely changing.
Powerful moon, to be sure.
Love that Paul Simon quote.
Well I haven't seen the beautiful moon for about a week now, because of all the clouds, snow and rain.
But your photo of the moon is quite gorgeous! :)
New Mexico
That's an amazing picture of the moon. I got hit with the ice storm up here and a couple of days after the storm the moon was still up in the morning sky, just above the ice covered trees that were just as silvery as the moon. It was beautiful.
I don't believe in astrology, but I"m a cancer and I"m mysteriously drawn to the moon in all its phases.
Who wouldn't be? Beautiful photo. THanks for sharing it.
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