I'm so flattered to receive another award - this one is from my friend Lori at the Skoog Farm. She's a very artistic, big-hearted garlic-growing horse lover, and I'm so glad that I've connected with her.
It's always a difficult decision to figure out how to pass this along and choose among all of you great bloggers. I console myself by knowing that the people I give it to will give it to other friends of mine as well so it will float out far and wide. You're supposed to say something about each person that you award and then tell them to click on the award and paste it onto their blog and pass it along to other beloved bloggers. So, that's what I'm doing:
I'm sending this award along to Arlene at Grey Horse Matters, Linda at the 7MSN and Billie at Camera-Obscura because I start every day with a cup of coffee and a visit to their blogs. Life wouldn't be the same without you guys.
And to Callie at MidWest Horse and Mrs. Mom at Oh Horsefeathers because they are both smart, fun and full of heart.
And to Lisa at Laughing Orca Ranch, to the DOR at Cactus Jack Splash, Pony Girl and her Spotted Boy, and to my Pony Cousin at Middle of the Road since all of them make my life a little brighter and happier each time I visit them.
And to Mikael at Mikael's Mania because she doesn't even stop blogging when she goes to the hospital for surgery and I love her determination and spirit. May she feel better fast!
So let's send this beautiful butterfly all over the blogosphers!
Thank you so much Victoria! This is such a pretty and sweet award. I feel honored to be on the receiving end from you!
Kiss those lovely mares from me, rubs to that wonderful pup of yours and have a lovely star filled evening up there in Tundra Country!
Thanks a bunch for thinking of me for this award. It is beautiful and I consider it an honor to be awarded this by you. You are one of my most favorite people in the world. Thanks again.
You so deserve this beautiful award, Victoria. You have such a calming and heartfelt way of writing that I often leave your blog feeling better then when I arrived.
Awww, and thank you for this lovely little flutterby award, too. You brought a smile to my face, especially for the sweet things you said :)
Victoria, thank you for this lovely little butterfly - I'll make some time to pass it on. :)
Mrs. Mom - It's a pleasure to be able to give you an award before the rest of your blogging fans got there. Thanks for all that you do for all of us!
Arlene - The feeling is mutual! What did I do before I knew you and Jacquie? The world is a better place since we've become friends.
Lisa - I hope that some day I'll be heading out to New Mexico and will be able to stop by and visit your family, your animals and your wonderful ranch. Keep on blogging - it's fun to hear about your life!
Billie - Your blog is always a refuge and a delightful journey where I learn something new. Especially about spiders and bees and mini donkeys.
Thank-you very much, Victoria, it's an honor! Glad you're only getting the rain end of these storms. We're due for more snow tomorrow! Ugh!
Callie - You deserve an award - I laughed so hard at those doggie Christmas photos - I hope you don't get too much snow. They're saying this storm may hit us too. It's going to be a long, cold winter.
Thanks for the award. I'll try to get it posted before I head off to surgery.........seems I had the wrong day to start, my surgery is tomorrow morning and not Thursday, but I think I'm about ready.
Thank you so very much. It means a lot to me that someone like you enjoys my blog.
Kudos, Victoria on your well-deserved award!
Thank you so much, Victoria. I had to laugh when you mentioned how you start your day - mine starts just the same way, checking in over at your place and Billie's and Arlene's with a cup of coffee in hand. What did we do before there were blogs? Thanks again.
Thanks for the award, Victoria! I've told you this before, but you are one of the first bloggers I ever read and you inspired me to start my own!! I always check in to read the latest on your mares and read the wisdom of your words! Keep up the good work!! ;)
Thank you so much for the award, Victoria! I enjoy visiting your blog so much... i will try to pass the award along to some other very deserving "Pony Cousins".
Mikael - Good luck today- We'll all be thinking of you.
Ms. DOR- I love your sense of humor and your horse!
Janet - Many thanks - A visit from you always calms me down and restores the harmony here.
Linda - Here I am, with my pinon roasted coffee at 5 am, heading over to your place.
PG -I'm flattered that I inspired you. It's hard to imagine the blogosphere without you and My Boy
SMR - I have to admit that I was longing for some Pony Cousins like yours - thanks for your generosity and imagination that lets us all play.
Well deserved award. I love your blog but rarely comment - just so ya know.
Oh, Victoria! I hope you do! I would so love that :)
New Mexico
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