I’m having some time management issues. I just can’t seem to keep up anymore. Now that the daylight begins at 6:30 am and ends at 4:30 pm, my horsekeeping duties seem to be throwing the rest of my schedule off. It’s just so much easier to take care of Siete’s feet and give her the medicine when it’s not pitch black. There are lights in the barn, but when it’s so cold and I have to keep schlepping back and forth to the feed room which is under our house, chores become more like some kind of punishment.
Earlier this week, Siete and Silk had a fantastic play day in the pasture. While I was so thrilled that Siete was moving like a normal horse, I also thought I really needed to restrain her so she didn’t hurt herself. The only problem turned out to be a lost shoe. Even wearing bell boots, she knocked it off. Unfortunately, it was the one on her front left tender foot. I put the soft boot on right away and called the farrier. My eagle-eyed husband was able to find the shoe after I had spent well over an hour combing the pasture for it. So, balance has been restored, and my little horse is walking comfortably again.
The holidays are rolling in so quickly. Last night, we went to the annual town party for the lighting of the Christmas tree in the big pasture near the skating pond. It’s a gorgeous event because they line all the roads in town and around the pasture with luminaries. The high school kids cut out a special design every year on literally thousands of paper bags. The chorus sings Christmas carols and there’s free donuts and hot cider. Everyone turns out in their warmest festive hats and gloves. It was 17F degrees here, and my fingers were numb even with my gloves.
Today, I raced through my horse chores because the Rotary Club had a holiday pancake breakfast. My daughter and her friends were the waiters. According to my schedule, I intended to get out the Christmas decorations and put up the lights outside when we got home since tonight we’re supposed to get some snow. Instead, my entire family ended up napping on every available couch after all those pancakes.
I love Christmas in New England. Tomorrow, all the old houses on Main Street will be open, and they’ll be serving tea and cookies and selling homemade crafts. All my neighbors already have the little electric candles in each of their windows. As I told you, I’m behind schedule. It’s so darn charming that my California-born and raised husband can’t get over it, even after almost five years. His California brother and sister will be here next weekend to enjoy an early celebration with us. And it looks like we might have some snow for my two California horses to kick up their heels. Hopefully, Siete will manage to keep her shoes on.
Life is good!
We got a couple inches snow today, which should be working its way to you. Enjoy!
It sounds like you have been busy and yet loving it. I'm so glad to hear that Siete is feeling better, and hope she keeps her shoes on too. We're all so busy this time of year. I'm going to put the tree up tomorrow and if I get to it the candles in the windows,there's presents to wrap...just so much to do before Christmas. I've got to say that I love this time of year though. Have fun with your relatives,I'm sure they'll love the New England spirit of the season.
Virginia...ah yes. And what are the chances of you showing us a few photos of Main Street?
I don't go out to do chores until 7:15 or so and in the evening I put the horses in around 5:15. Everything is harder in the winter....It takes me at least 2+ hours in the morning and about 1/2 hour at night. Picking the paddock is a challenge with everything freezing. There were a few snowflakes coming down around 7pm...we shall see what morning brings. Glad to hear the horses are doing well.
Oh I hear ya girl, I am so behind and I'm actually skipping parts, like I always put out my collection of antique santa pitchers and mugs and I pulled the box out and just thought , oh I can't be asked and put them back away. I don't even if we'll get the outdoor lights up. Tree tomorrow or Monday as we always cut ours down.
Victoria, it sounds lovely! My daughter has been asking to go ice skating, and I wish I could take her to an outdoor rink someplace, at night, with the moon shining on the snow.
I know what you mean about chores and the decreasing daylight. But the solstice is near and then it will go back in the other direction!
Hope the girls stay warm and happy.
Christmas in New England sounds picture perfect. I am relieved that Siete is feeling well enough to let you enjoy it.
It does sound like a wonderful time of the year to be in New England! That open house on Main Street sounds divine! I really wish I could find the time to do more special Christmas events like that. I used to, but things just get busier every year and all my friends are now starting their own family traditions.
Have a great time with your brother-in-law!
Napping on a warm couch after a pancake breakfast sounds like a gift in itself. Have a second helping!
Oh what wonderful experiences the holidays are bringing you, Victoria!
Of course, the holidays can be a little bit overwhelming with all those special holiday goodies. I find this time of year so challenging trying to control my intake. I don't want to pass up those delicious little goodies, especially the ones that are only made once a year. sigh. What to do...
But the festive feelings, beautiful sights and sounds are all such a wonderful part of the holidays. And I'm so glad you and your family are enjoying them together :)
New Mexico
What a great neighborhood feeling in your area.
As much as I complain about the cold, I do love the winter evening feeds when it's me and the horses and the night sky and the snow... all bundled up I will sit on a pile of snow and listen... to the munching of hay, to the crunching of feet on the cold snow pack, to the random rooster who thinks when the light goes on in the barn, it must be morning.
I suspect my low expectations in the winter are soothing as well. I seldom expect myself to ride for example, so I bring no pressure when I spend time with the horses. It is sweet.
As long as the wind isn't blowing!
Hi Victoria,
When you get a chance, stop by and pick up your latest award.
Ugh, I'm with you ... barn chores are NO fun in the winter. I don't much like having to start after dark since it gets dark so early. It's just a little depressing. Even with lights it's sometimes hard to see well enough ... or at least as well as you can with daylight.
Wow, just listening to your description of the events going on in your area makes me so wistful for a Christmastime like that! I live in a small town in the Pacific NW, and we have some quaint little shops, but nothing like you're describing!! That sounds just amazing and has me feeling all nostalgic. I hope you do get some snow for your visitors. That would just complete the picture. Merry Christmas to you Victoria!! Oh, and please do give your lovely girls a kiss on the nose for me. I am so happy to hear that Silk and Siete are doing well!
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