I’m sorry I haven’t been spending any time in the blogosphere this past week. Losing Pepper brought up for me the realities of our impermanence on this earth, and it has been a difficult but important time for me. Both our cats got sick this week. Our old black kitty has hyper-thyroid disease. Velcro,our orange cat who was raised by our dog, is so stressed out from missing Pepper that he developed a block in his urinary tract. So, I’ve been back to the vet much more than I’ve wanted to go. They’ve been really great to us though, so I’m grateful for that.
The horses are missing my attention. Silk developed a few sores from the Cashel fly mask she’s been wearing. I don’t recommend them and I am going to buy her one of the Farnam double-closure masks with ears that I have for Siete. With the long weekend, I intend to spend a lot of time in the barn, and hopefully, on horseback. I think I need a good dose of loving from my girls.
And some time tomorrow morning visiting all of you at your blogs to catch up. I’ve missed you!
Victoria...there is nothing wrong with taking some time to regroup. The loss of a pup is a very big deal if you are an animal lover...after all, Pepper was family. Getting on a horse is a great idea and will give you pleasure. Have a great weekend.
Victoria, if you need a little doggy cheer, I capture Frankie on video dancing with my daughter. It will make you smile. :-)
Take care and have a wonderful holiday weekend.
Some time on horseback seems like a good way to regenerate. Karen and I hope you get what you need this weekend.
Glad to hear your feeling better! Hope you kitties are too! Kiss and hug your girls!!!
I am sorry to hear that your kitty's aren't doing well!
I have never tried the Cashel facemasks. I have always used the Farnam. I have had good luck with them.
Hope you have a good weekend with your horses!
What a week, Victoria. Sorry to hear your kitties were sick. When it rains it pours, huh? I have never tried the Cashel fly mask but was hoping to someday since the farnam one I have seemed to irritate my horse (not leave sores, just rubbed his eyes or something.)
I hope that you are starting to heal from the loss of Pepper, it will take time and I'm sure the house feels different without her. Take care and enjoy your weekend!!
I know what it's like to ache over the lost ones. Baghera's been really sick this past week (still is) and it's been hard finding time to breath, but thankfully, I've had Sheba to get me back to the normal routines, and hopefully this afternoon, I will get to go out on a long ride in the bush... Thinking of you!!
You are in my thoughts. Sorry to hear about your loss of Pepper, I know your cats can feel it too. Wishing you good horse time during this long weekend.
Sending good thoughts to kitties.
Hope your weekend is good and full of fun horseplay. :)
Some time in the saddle is always good for the soul. I hope you get lots of it this weekend.
Sometimes you just have to step off the world for awhile, especially the internet-universe, which occasionally is too much world when you are grieving.
May your horses continue to comfort you & both your two and four-legged family members enjoy renewed health, in body and in spirit.
Thinking of you Victoria. Don't forget to take care of yourself while you're taking care of everyone else.
Victoria, Sending lots of hugs to you. Pepper was family ... that takes a long time to recover.
About your cat with hyper-thyroid. We recently went through that with our 12 year old cat.
If you'd like the details, click my site under "cats" to "Thank Goodness for Second Opinions".
We had three options. She is in fine health, now.
Get lots of rest and do all the things that give you tranquility.
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