Brrr! It was cold last night. I forgot my gloves this morning when I went out to feed the girls and my fingers were numb. After I put the hay in their stalls, Siete strolled out to investigate whether her mama got more than she did - smart little horse. I stuck my head into her stall to see if I needed to fill her water bucket, and I guess Siete thought I was trying to eat her flake of hay. She spun around on her back feet like lightening and thundered back into her stall. Luckily, I leaped out of the way in time, and although it wasn’t a move that I approved of in any way, I did feel a moment of pleasure knowing that Siete is feeling better.
There’s been some frisky horse play and running in the pasture. I was too busy holding my breath to pick up my camera. Hopefully, no one will bruise any hoof on a stone or disturb the healing process. Maybe I should be confining them so they can’t run and hurt themselves, but I’m going to take a chance because I know how badly these horses need to feel normal again.
Watching them, and listening to only the sound of their hooves and the wind rustling the leaves, I was grateful to escape the din of voices of doom and gloom. Driving home from Vermont in the dark Wednesday night, I listened to the debate and pondered the non-stop barrage of bad news that bombards us almost everywhere we go these days. Clearing my brain this morning as I enjoyed the graceful dance that Silk and Siete were doing, I found a way to align myself with what the horses have recently been teaching me.
They have shown me this too shall pass. Through the pain and extensive care caused by their hoof abscesses, I found great value in the ability to “just keep on keeping on”. It’s not helpful to whine or worry. Don’t think, don’t complain, just do what I need to do. Siete’s punky resistance transformed into an understanding that I really was making her feel better. She waits for me at the gate now so I can pick out her feet and quietly stands still while I soak them or paint them or boot them. I don’t need anyone else to hold her. I feel really good that I persevered on those days when I really didn’t want to mess with an irritated horse with sore feet. I’m proud that she and I worked out our differences by ourselves instead of relying on help from someone else.
So, for me, the understanding that healing takes time, doesn’t always appear to be working and is well worth the effort one puts into it can also be applied to some other aspects of our life, especially in the financial realm. The information overload keeps on clamoring that the Recession is going to go on for a long time, but maybe this is also the beginning of something that we can’t quite see just yet.
I am glad that the treatment for the abscesses is going easier.
I'm really happy to hear things are improving. Well done for hanging on in there.
Virginia...your farm looks great! What a frost you had...that is what we will look like tomorrow morning.
Thanks for your comments. Do you have more photos of your property?
I'm so glad to hear everything is on the upswing. Yeah you for sticking with it!
Funny...when I need wisdom, I search for my answers in the nature of animals, not in the nature the humans.
I'm glad you ahve a way of connecting it all and finding piece. Personally , I could use some of that good karma now. For years, the country has lived well beyond it's means and I think in the end good will come of this!
Hooves seem to take the longest to heal. It takes such diligence on our part to keep up with the soaking and the bandaging. Kudos to you and your perseverance! Glad to hear the girls are getting better.
I once had two Standardbreds with Seedy Toe, at the same time. Hubby and I cleaned, soaked and re-wrapped both horses twice a day for several months! Those two both came through it just fine and are still being ridden/driven today.
You are right, the animals connect on a very deep level with us and they are very wise, if only we stop to look for it!
Carrie Giannandrea
Dances with Horses
Formula One Farms
Thanks, Everyone - for your good wishes. I'm glad that the girls are feeling better too.
BTW - Lori and Carrie - It's Victoria,not Virginia, but don't worry, lots of people call me Virginia by mistake and I'll answer to it. Just another V name!
Victoria...my apologies....so sorry for that misnomer mistake!
Carrie Giannandrea
Dances with Horses
Formula One Farms
Victoria ... what a beautiful scene. I've said it before, but here goes again, I'm hiring a moving truck complete with horse van and I'm heading your way!
Amazing how animals can put us into another world, far away from what some people call reality. Just not my reality.
Hope the world can mend itself this time.
Horse time is a break from the world for me too. Working with my nervous natured boy and building his confidence requires an almost zen mindset. The calmer, the better.
I wonder if that approach would help the stock market. LOL
I've enjoyed your blog since discovering it recently. Thank you for this wonderful "place"
I just really love that photo. Feels like Fall and it has such a peacefulness about it, too.
I'm glad things are starting to feel a little more normal now.
I do agree horses are great teachers. To me they also are a source of inspirations for personal growth. Love your blog. Great photos as well. Thanks!
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