We’re hunkered down here as it rains, with wind gusts up to 40 mph, and maybe even some snow flurries tonight. My daughter stayed home from school with a sore throat. The horses hid in the barn all day. The sound of the wind in the trees sound weirdly like waves crashing in the ocean.
Siete’s feet are sore again. It started on Sunday, with her back right foot and her front left foot. She’s wearing the boots and the poultices again. The farrier is coming on Thursday morning so we’ll see how things are then. The vet and I decided to do radiographs to look in her hooves to see what’s going on. Yesterday, she was mysteriously better. Today, she’s in her stall so it’s hard to tell how she’s doing since it’s too yucky outside to go for a walk. Luckily, she doesn’t seem to be in pain or mind being indoors. Who would on a day like today?
This depressing weather is a stark contrast to Monday’s sunshine. I had a fun lunch yesterday with some of my favorite bloggers. LJB from the Horsey Therapist was heading this way, and Arlene from Grey Horse Matters, along with her daughter, Jacquie, joined us. It always feels like I’m getting together with old friends whom I’ve known for years when I meet any of my blogging buddies face-to-face. I wish that all the rest of you could have been there. Maybe we need to have a global get-together via web cameras or something some day.
I don’t know about the rest of you, but today seems like the kind of day when I need a good quote to raise up my spirits. I can always count on Jack Kornfield to give me something to think about:
“Though it seems simple, letting go is an advanced practice. It is demanded in the greatest trials of our lives and in our final moments. It is here that the heart learns the secret: that to let go is also to embrace what is true.”
Thanks, Jack. I needed that.
Poor Siete...I hope the xrays will help unravel the mystery behind her on-again off-again soreness.
I love what we call "dreary," rainy days. They give me permission to spend time with my inner self, who longs to sit by the fire and wear a shawl.
Sounds like the kind of day we had here in Indiana -- windy and cold. I hope your horse is going to be OK...my horse had a serious medical problem (glaucoma -- lost an eye) so I know how it feels. I love on your profile where you talk about getting horses later in life and not knowing anything. It is true, they teach you what you need to know to take care of them. I am excited about the chance to blog with other horse owners, and will check out some of the other blogs listed on your site. Thanks for reading mine. I will be in touch.....
That is a nice quote. I will pass it along to my friend that is dealing with putting her beloved cat down in the next week. The cat has been sick with kidney disease for a while and her health is failing.
I am sorry to hear Siete's hooves are bothering her again! I am sure the radiographs will help solve this puzzle. Stay cozy and warm during your stormy weather. Ours has been lovely here, but I sense it's about to change soon!
Victoria...hey! It would be fun to meet face to face with some of these bloggers. Do the two you met with today live near you? It was very windy here too, but the horses were out all day. Here's a quote (I don't remember who said it)..."Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there."
Is all the apple pie gone?
Hope things go well with the vet, and that this wind rolls out of here for all of us.
Sorry to hear about Siete's feet. We've had a lot of rain in the last week, that seems to be the killer for her. :-(
Love that quote. Letting go is something I've had to really work at in my life.
I hate dreary days as well! Gosh I hope Siete is OK! Great quote and I'd bet lunch with the girls was great! Would have loved to be there!
How wonderful that you should quote Jack Kornfeld. I needed that exact message today more than you can know. Thank you.
I am hosting a guest blogger contest over at Enlightened Horsemanship Through Touch. I'd be honored if you'd check it out and participate. Thank you,
Hi Victoria! Sorry to hear about Siete but hope she gets well soon! Sahara was limping again last week and now that she only has three months left to foaling, we'll be taking things very easy...
How's the goat hunt going...? ;-) Greet your daughter from us! Allis & Isolde send their warmest nuzzles and Sheba had a wet kiss to add...
Hey! Great idea ... a global get together!
Now, that Siete is acting just like a car ... nothing wrong when the "mechanic" takes a look.
I hope Siete's feet are on the mend soon. It was great to have lunch with the girls, I really enjoyed it.
Hello from Nebraska. Seems I meander from blog to blog and found yours more than once and always enjoy the return visit.
The abscess caught my attention. I read through the prev entries but didn't see that the abscess burst, but that she was getting relief. Fighting an abscess with my mare now. Its been about 18 days. The vet drained it & she got immediate relief. I soaked & wrapped up until yesterday. The corral was a mucky mess with the rains we've been getting & I guess she lost the wrapping. Not sure at this point to rewrap or leave it open & go from here. Lots of different opinions & seems everyone does things a bit different. I have dealt with them with my other horses in the past, but this is my "bestest" mare, so been a little more attentive.
I am optimistic because she hasn't taken a lame step since drained, but still hate that we had to take that step. The mysteries of the hoof....
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