I need to go on record first by stating that I am not a fan of chickens. Our neighbors across the street have tried to raise them off and on since we moved in here. There have been some tragedies. As the Animal Control officer told me, “Raising chickens in this town is like opening up a deli for foxes and coyotes.” Still, our neighbors have persevered, building an enclosure around their henhouse that looks like something out of Swiss Family Robinson.
We have a sweet deal going. We give them compost, and they supply us with all the organic, free range eggs that we can eat. As part of the free range claim, they let the chickens out to roam for a few hours each day. It turns out that the chickens like to eat the ticks. So, when they started crossing the road to visit our yard, we weren’t going to chase them away.
Little did I know that I was going to be charmed by the rooster. I admit that I’ve fallen in love. We call him “The Chief”, and he really knows how to keep his girls safe and in line. If one of the hens strays to our driveway or the backyard, the Chief runs right over and pushes her back where he can keep an eye on her. He always waits to be the last one to cross the road, making sure that there are no stragglers. If the girls start to argue over a tasty morsel, he steps in and breaks it up. And did I mention what a handsome guy he is?
So, now I know why the chickens cross the road, and I’m very glad that they do. All hail the Chief!
He is nice looking. Does he let you pet him?
Hi NM - Today, after I took his picture and told him how good looking he was, he let me pet him. my neighbors' kids treat the chickens like they are dogs and play with them, so they are very friendly.
Oh, those roosters!
I used to have chickens and I miss them. When I first got them, I was surprised at how much fun they were and how much personality they had--I never thought of chickens that way. The roosters are especially personable, I think.
Someday, I'll build a better Fort Chicken (the raccoon was getting in) and then I'll have chickens again.
All hail, Chief, and those you are sworn to protect! May you live long and prosper!
A very handsome brood. I'd love to have some chickens come over and eat the ticks in the yard. I think you're lucky they do this service for you. I'm amazed that Chief takes such good care of his girls. Who would have thought they could be so much fun and so helpful.
Love this story. We get big, organic eggs from across the street too. We have an extremely busy road, so I am glad they stay way back on their property. Very handsome rooster.
Dearest Victoria, I like the story you told. You are blessed with fresh eggs - that is great. I like them a lot, but nobody in the neigbourhood is growing chickens. Maybe I shall look lil further.
Hail Chef!
Such rooster is is a treasure. They often are only interested in fighting with anybody who just appears :)
I am preparing pictures from my latest trip to Western Poland, a place away from the rest of the world. I guess you would like to see it.
Hi Everyone - Sorry I haven't been blogging much this summer. I've been busy chauffeuring people around every day. Thanks for coming to visit!
Yes, the Chief is not like other aggressive ego-driven male birds. He is a gentleman and a sweetheart.
I worry about the cars that drive too fast on our little country lane, but for chickens, these guys seem pretty savvy about getting out of the way.
BTW. tp see some beautiful pictures of the countryside, check out Ewa's blog, Ewainthegarden.blogspot.com. I remember when I visited Poland, we drove by fields of blooming roses. It was so lush and colorful!
Cool photos, I love chickens, that will our next addition to this place! LOL! Charming Chief!
He is a handsome rooster!! And the photo of the hens is a good one. We used to let our chickens roam free, but had to stop when the fox showed up -- now we too have a fence around the coop. I must admit, the eggs are not as good as the ones from the previous group of chickens who could roam completely free...I don't know if you've read my blog lately, but I have had a chicken drama going on here....
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