With all this rainy weather, and one very bored teenager, I took some time to do one of our favorite things. We went next door to visit our friend who runs an animal rescue organization and helped socialize some feral kittens. It’s not hard. You just play with them until they get used to being around big human creatures, and then you cuddle them. We love this job.
This time, there were seven babies from three different litters. This fluffy black and white fellow was the most outgoing. He’s a real prince, adorable but hissing at the other kitties if they got to close. It’s all about him. Still, he was more than happy to be picked up and petted. There will be no trouble finding him a good home.
The two orange darlings in the photo below were part of a litter of 13 kittens who were in bad shape when they were rescued. Last week, there was only the scared little girl on the right, but now her brother is feeling well enough that he was able to get out of quarantine to join her. The sister was snuggling on top of her brother while I tried to lure them out of the cat cave by wiggling a strip of fuzzy material. It was incredibly touching how happy these cats were to see each other. I am always so moved by the tenderness that animals show to each other.
I have made one serious rule here: No kitties come home with us. We’re just doing our job like cat cuddling professionals. That’s because our house already has a King. His name is Velcro and he rules (despite my husband’s efforts to regain the crown).
I live in a street that has quite a few feral cats and, at one point, there was a litter that passed through my yard and used to sun themselves by my shed and another that liked to live under my car and on my porch in the front. Can I tell you I'd feed them because - yeah, I know the rule - I just felt so bad for them. But despite the fact that I'd leave food and water for them, as soon as they would see me approach they'd run away from me. They won't let me near enough to even catch them. So I feed them and do my part.
Oh, and P.S., Velcro should rule!
Wow. Velcro looks like he could take out a whole litter with one blow!
Oh, to be a professional cat cuddler...but no matter how hard and fast my no-more-animals rule, I fear I would make an exception. Your self-restraint is most admirable, and I'll bet Velcro appreciates you more than he'll ever tell you.
What adorable photos! You are smart to keep that strict rule! I broke down after volunteering in an animal shelter for 6 months.
Hope Velcro is okay. You mentioned on my blog that there were health issues lately?
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