Silk had a lovely siesta in the sun today. I came out of the house to find her stretched out on the ground, and all she did was wiggle her ears when I spoke to her. It was very unusual for her to be so relaxed and not get up as soon as she saw me. I stood with Siete and scratched her neck for a long while as Silk continued to nap. Finally, Silk tucked her legs under and waited for me to come over and rub her back.
It was such a contrast to yesterday, when the horses had been running around like crazy. Silk was very agitated about something, and there was nothing I could do to make her comfy. I finally ended up bringing her into her stall and closing the back window so she would calm down and feel safe. Who knows whether they felt the presence of some animal in the woods behind us. Today, whatever it was, it had gone on its way.
I love it when they stretch out and take the sun in. Silk looks so relaxed like she doesn't have a care in the world.
I'm glad to see everyone had a lovely sunny day.
Victoria...I could not be more jealous of the sun and a place dry enough for a horse to lie down. We are going through a monsoon period.
Nice picture - and an obviously happy horse!
Aw, there's nothing like a good sunbathing during siesta time!!! I'm glad they're tranquil again. Our don't get stirred up about much, but our dog Dennis Mugu is always reacting on "something in the air" :-)
Glad to see Silk relaxing in the sun, after a long winter!
Wow. I've never seen a horse (or a picture of one) lying on the ground for a nap. Glad to know that they do.
I can't wait until it's warm enough for me to lie on the ground in the sun and nap.
Sweet horses.
Kola always takes a late morning, early afternoon siesta. Misty not so much!
She let you scratch her while she was lying down? That is so sweet! :) I'm glad she was more relaxed today. Just like us, I suppose some days there is just something in the air...or they woke up on the wrong side of the bed (stall!)
It is great when horses lay flat-out and relax like that. I have been told that a horse will only lay flat-out when they feel perfectly safe.....
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