I am emerging from the bottomless fog of coughing, sneezing, and nose blowing, but I’m still only moving at half speed. It seems like I’ve been sick forever. I don’t really remember what it feels like to be normal, but I know that when I feel it I will be very appreciative of it. My daughter also got really seriously congested, and she’s on medication three times a day. She had bacterial pneumonia a few years ago, so her doctor was very concerned with this illness. I am really relieved that she is doing great, but I think the worry and stress took its toll on me.
Of course, my husband is away on business, so I’m struggling to keep all the animals fed, clean and happy. I have a new awareness of how many almost unconscious little chores I do all day long. On my way to do one thing, I usually also do two or three other things, whether it’s taking out trash or moving “dog” towels from the washer to the dryer or filling a water bucket. This week, it took all my energy and focus to just do the one thing that I set out to do, and I usually had to go lie down for a few minutes after I did it. Fortunately, I’m able to concentrate a little more now and my multi-tasking abilities are gradually returning.
The horses have been full of Spring Fever. That new gate was a life-saver for me since they can run around whenever they want now. They are a dusty, shedding mess. I can’t quite face grooming them yet. I think I won’t be able to breathe if all that hair and dirt start swirling around me. It’s funny how Siete can sense my weakened energy level and is taking every advantage she can to challenge me. Silk went after her a few times, as if to reprimand her for trying to be too pushy with me. I’ve tried to hold my ground, but I’ve basically been a limp noodle all week. I totally disconnected from the horses at one point, just barely being able to throw some flakes of hay at them and make sure they had water to drink. I don’t recall ever having been that unconcerned about them. I was just to sick to care about anything.
So, I apologize for disappearing and for not visiting anyone for a while. I’m hoping that with a quiet weekend and some more rest, I’ll be back in the swing of things next week. At one point, as I staggered around with a muck fork, I realized that I was missing some great riding time this week. No bugs, dry and sunny but still cool enough, but if I had tried to sit on a horse at that moment I would have probably ended up draped over her neck like a ragdoll. I’m hoping that Spring will give me another chance or two before we roll right into the higher temps and the flies and mosquitoes come back into town.
I sometimes wonder if colds and flu aren't mother nature's way of making us appreciate the simple pleasure of good health. Stay well, take care of yourself. Sounds like your girls can't wait to have you back.
Vic, it is so good you feel better. Just get yourself little freedom with resting - don't be too ambitious on turning back to regular duties too fast.
Victoria...wow...you were really knocked down for a long time. Glad to read that things are doing better.
The weather is being cooperative to make your life easier. It's a good thing you have the gate and I love the sensitivity of the horses to your condition.
Good luck with feeling better! A lot of those "horse jobs" take a lot of energy - I know what you mean about feeling so sick you can only do the bare minimum. Funny how the husbands are always away on business at the right times!
I have read back on your blog some. Seems you have had your fair share of concerns over the last few months. Can't really tell if you are tired of the horse life? It is a lot of work & similar to wedding vows (sickness & in health, etc). How long have you had horses in your life? Hope spring is better for you and you can start to enjoy the horse life once again.
Thanks Bill, Ewa, Lori and Kate, for your good wishes. I'm a pretty sturdy girl, so it's really unusual for me to get so knocked out. It's so warm and sunny today that I feel my good spirits returning.
Anonymous - I've owned Silk for 12 years, so I'm certainly aware that having a horse is a long term commitment. This has been a particularly difficult fall and winter, with Siete's lameness and the extremely cold weather. Hopefully, it's going to be a lovely Spring and we'll have time to enjoy the joys of horse-ownership. My horses are my greatest pleasure, so it's unlikely I'll ever tire of the horse life. I've been riding since I could walk, and I hope that I'll still be riding long after I stop walking.
Victoria -- Enjoy a cup of tea and snuggle with a blankie and get some REST. :-)
Victoria, that is just a bummer, being sick for so long. Hope you are back to your wonderful self soon. In the meantime, your beautiful horses are enjoying themselves and thinking of you every minute, honest, they are!
Oh, my--you were really whomped, weren't you? Be sure to listen to your body. It takes longer to heal than we want it to.
The horses will be fine and there will be more riding time.
Glad you're feeling better. Our horses sense when one of us feels badly too, but they're usually sweeter and try to be on their best behavior. Siete's grooming will wait, especially since she's being a brat to you. Maybe you should try snubbing her for a change.
Hope you feel better soon and can get back into the full swing of things. Glad your daughter is fine too. The horses will be okay and I'm sure they will be happy to have you back soon.
My husband says that if you have your health, you have everything. We dont appreciate our good health until we get ill. So hurry up and get better! The good riding weather will get here before too long.
Hi Victoria,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you're feeling better. Hopefully the sun will come out and stay! That always makes me happy!!!
Take care and get all the way well before you pick back up to full speed!
I have just today switched Salina to 4 feeds/day of her concentrates, and it did occur to me that I may live to regret this change...! There is no calling in sick with horses, but it sounds like your new gate was just in time to make life easier. Sending good thoughts to all!
Sorry to hear the bug still has you. It's no fun being sick that's for sure.
Glad to hear you are finally feeling like you're getting better if not well yet. Hope the wellness is very soon.
Victoria, I'm so sorry you're still feeling low! Over at my corner, I got a virus about a month ago and am left with a migraine. Can't wait til it's all gone and I don't have to take a pain killer to get out of bed some mornings!! I'm so glad your daughter is alright. Sending a big, big hug from Africa!!! And thanks for all the warm comments you write, they're vastly appreciated!
So sorry to hear that you have been feeling so poorly, but glad you are getting better now.
You All need to get better soon! Sending healthy vibes your way!
Goodness you've had it awful...hang in there. I just fought off a cold. Spring colds are awful, the weather gets finally nice and the last thing you want to do is be sick! The mares will be fine without you for a few days....a bit of food and freedom to move, they'll be happy campers until you're well enough to get back in the saddle.
Just joined the blog world and stumbled across your site. I hope you're feeling better, it is beyond rough trying to do what it requires to care for horses especially when you're feeling under the weather. Spring time definitely brings renewal and a sense of excitement about getting out and enjoying these amazing animals. I look forward to reading more in the future! Hopefully you'll enjoy my blog Eyeonthehorse as well!
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