Yesterday, the abscess in Siete’s front hoof moved down so the pressure was excrutiating. She couldn’t really walk, and it was really scary. Her back right hoof was also very sore because she was shifting her weight onto it. My farrier had predicted that this could happen since he thought the abscess was high up in her hoof. While I was pretty sure that this was the problem, part of me was still kind of freaked out. Siete was in agony, and I knew that I had to do everything I could to be sure that the abscess “blew” and released the gunk inside it.
So, I gave her Banamine and soaked the front foot in Epson salts and warm water. Then, I booted both of the sore feet with poultices in the soft boots. Thank heavens I have those boots and two rubber soaking boots. And I agonized over how she was doing all day long as I ran errands and prepared food and family to go to a big party that our Indian friends were having for Dewali, their New Year and Festival of Lights.
She got some more Banamine and soaking and fresh poultices at dinnertime. I could see a slight improvement, so I took a big deep breath of trust that she would be better in the morning. I have to admit it weighed on me all through the party so I couldn't really have fun. Coming home late at night, it took all my self-control not to stop at the barn to check on her. I figured that she would be lying down, and if I woke her up, she’d try to stand. It would be better for her to not have to get on her feet again.
And lo and behold, Princess Siete is much better today. She’s standing firmly on all four feet. I did the same drill again with the soaking and the boots. I reminded myself that this is a very sensitive little mare. Her pain threshold must be pretty low. She’s the “Princess and the Pea” of horses. When she was so miserable, her mama stayed glued to her side all day, standing quietly with Siete in her stall. Poor Silk has been seriously ignored. Now that her daughter is walking again, we’re going to have a good grooming/massage session so Silkie knows how much I appreciate her.
Glad to read that things seem to be taking a turn for the better
Glad to hear Siete is getting better. Silk is a good mama to stay with her little baby while she is in pain. I'm sure Silk doesn't mind her girl being taken care of, but I'm sure she will like the extra bit of attention when she gets it.
Sounds like things are on the upswing. Hope it continues that way!
Good news Victoria. You seem to have a real grip on what needs to be done. It is very hard to go out and party when one of your animals is hurting.
That is great news about Siete! What a big sigh. Silk certainly is a sweet, caring mother! She deserves lots of special spoiling.
My vet called My Boy was "weenie" because he was pretty tender on an abscess that usually would have swollen the leg as well to cause as much pain as he was showing. And he was barely able to walk and my sister thought the problem was in his hindquarters, apparently they shift their weight back to their hindquarters when one of the front hooves is in pain.
Anyway, I am glad Miss Siete is improving! You sure have your routine down by now! You could teach a class on abscess care, for sure! ;) I know she appreciates all the are you give her. Keep us posted!
Good news Victoria.
I read you on the personal agony of when one's animals is sick or in pain... Sheba got sick tonight and although things are ok right now, I catch myself worrying to bits... I'm so glad that Siete is doing better, and love the part about Silk standing by her side! Although I haven't seen enough of Isolde to compare her with Siete, I sure see a lot of similarities between Silk and Arwen!
Glad she's feeling better - and I sure hope the vet visit and radiographs give some clarity to the ongoing issues she's been having.
I so hope this week starts off on the right foot for Siete and you. Abcess treatment is a valuable skill, but you don't need any more experience!
Glad she's better, but what the heck is causing all these abscesses? OMG! I'd be at my wits end! They're so lucky to have you!
It is fun to catch up on your blog, but i see that the health issues of your pets is a concern. Isnt it odd that we dont hear of abscesses, then all at once, they pop up in a couple of horses that we know about at the same time? Best wishes for Siete; must have been quite painful.
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