I hope you all are having a wonderful week of holiday fun! We spent a lovely day with my mom on Saturday, and friends came by our house in the evening to sit in front of a roaring fire and laugh and talk. Then, Mother Nature dropped a big present on us. The snow from the blizzard was well over my knees when I struggled out to the barn yesterday morning. I could hardly see where I was going with the wind blowing stinging white pins in my face. The horses were very happy to see me, and it took all my determination to leave the dry barn and furry warmth of Silk’s greeting to crawl back up to the house.
We spent about five hours shoveling once the snow stopped falling. Our tractor is broken, so we don’t have a plow this winter. Fortunately, one of the neighbors took mercy on us and lent his monster snow-blower once he had finished clearing his place out. That baby is a real tank, relentless and indestructible. We cleared all the paths to the barn and back to the poop bins, the front corral and a small landing pad in the pasture. Oh yeah, and the driveway and the walks around our house too, but as usual, my main focus was on the area around the barn. My neighbor grew up in a family that raised horses, so he had great sympathy for my concerns. I pointed out to him that it’s days like this that make me really glad I have horses, and he laughed so hard that he had to sit down on the back of his pickup truck.
Siete is a snow bunny, but her mama will always be a California princess. Silk is very disdainful of the white stuff and only tentatively ventured out to the small clearing in the pasture for a few minutes. Siete bounds around and buries her head in the snow joyfully. If a horse could laugh, she would be. I started to play with her, running back and forth and clapping my hands and she bounced in the drifts following me. I got tired of this game faster than she did. Finally, I had to lure her back to the barn with some treats because I was afraid her feet were getting too cold. First thing this morning, she was out there again, making huge looping patterns, running across the white blanket of the pasture.
From our winter wonderland, we ‘re sending you good wishes for a happy week!
I'm glad you and Siete found time to have some fun in the snow. I wouldn't worry about her feet getting too cold our horses are out all day and it doesn't seem to bother them. The wind is another story, I think they've had about as much as they can stand too.
We lost a few small trees to the winds here and the snow drifts are pretty high.
It's good you got to see your mom for Christmas before the weather turned bad, I'm sure she was thrilled to see the whole family. Have a good holiday week and stay warm.
Sounds like a sweet holiday, made even better by the assistance of a working snow blower (we need a new one too). This is a great snow to play in, dry and soft and no ice yet.
Enjoy the week with your family and four-legged friends and get ready for the new year!
So glad you had a romp in the snow with Siete, who sounds like she is feeling quite chipper and good - all the exercise is surely good for her body and her mind - getting that energy out in a fun, good way.
Our crew were running around yesterday morning. I have been watching from the windows as I have a cold and am feeling wobbly - but even so, am feeling happy this week esp. now that we're on the upswing with regards to temps! :)
I would love to have seen you playing in the snow with Siete. Sounds like it was great fun. I must laugh at the California princess line for Silk. I have a few here with princess attitudes so I know just what you mean.
I'm glad you got to spend holiday time with your mother. That must make this transition a little more bearable.
Enjoy your holiday week.
Glad you were able to cope - that was a lot of snow! Our horses love the snow and will play in it. Pie is out 24/7 in the snow (he does have a shed but rarely uses it) - I guess he's pretty hardy after living in Montana and Minnesota.
Boy, did you ever get blasted with snow. Lucky you had access to your neighbors equipment.
It's good that you were able to get to your Mom before the weather got too bad. Now, let's go for a very Happy New Year!
Enjoy those ponies.
Wow -- so glad you are all enjoying the holidays and each other and the snow! Sounds like everyone is happy.
Best wishes for a lovely new year!
The snow just missed us in Gettysburg. I was looking forward to playing with our horses, but will have to wait until the next storm.
A very merry season to you, Victoria...and I wish you many special moments in 2011. I'm just wondering...have you ever built Siete a snowman? One with a carrot nose and hay hair?
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