What a lovely treat to get an award in the middle of all this flooding and snow removal. We got an insane amount of rain yesterday, flooding Silk’s stall overnight. On top of the lakes of water, we now have about a foot of snow. So, while taking a break from all the backbreaking work, I checked in with my blog friends this afternoon and found this from Kate at A Year With Horses. Thanks for brightening this dreary day!
The rules are to link to the person who gave the award, tell you all 7 things about myself and send this game of tag on to 15 other bloggers. Since I’ve been seeing this award on so many of my favorite blogs, I’m not going to attempt to name anyone, but just invite all of you who want to play to pick up the award and have at it.
So, with no further ado, here are my 7 revelations:
1. One of my favorite things is a felt cowboy hat I’ve had for about 15 years. It’s stained and my daughter is a bit embarrassed when I wear it, but I love it. A hat for all seasons. It is the essence of me.
2. I love to read. I just finished “Let the Great World Spin” by Colum McCann. I am about to start “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot.
3. I have no strength in my arms. Can’t do a push up or pull up, even though I’ve been scooping 80 pounds of poop a day for the past 5 years. And today, after all that shoveling, I am really feeling like a total weakling. Don't ask me to hold anything valuable. My arms are jelly.
4. I’ll take vanilla over chocolate any day. Every night before bed, I have a glass that’s half vanilla soy milk and half 1% milk. And I love vanilla frosting.
5. When I start really laughing, it’s hard for me to stop - and why should I? I have a few friends that know how to get me going. And my husband, who has a wicked sense of humor. That’s one of the reasons I married him.
6. I used to be insanely skinny. When I was younger, I weighed less than 120 pounds and I’m almost 5’8”. Those days are long gone.
7. Silence is magical to me. I was just outside in the snow and it was perfectly quiet. There aren’t many moments in my day where it’s silent, and I treasure them.