Last Sunday, I was shoveling 10 inches of snow bundled up against freezing winds and temperatures in the teens. Now, only a week later, it is sunny and 50 degrees outside. And instead of shoveling snow, I spent the day shoveling poop soup because all the rain we got last night flooded Silk’s stall. What’s up, Mother Nature?
The horses didn’t know how to take it. Silk was most disturbed by the disgusting brown lake in her stall. Luckily, I was able to take off the girls’ blankets, so the warm sun helped cheer her up. Siete enjoyed exploring the pasture with grass not snow. I could tell she was a little confused about why there wasn’t any more cold white stuff, but there were a few tasty blades to be found out there.
I was too warm , wearing a t-shirt, lifting heavy buckets full of the above mentioned yuck, and dumping over 100 pounds of wood pellets into the barn. Standing back to admire the clean, dry stall, I couldn’t help but be amazed by Mother Nature’s gift of the Spring-like weather. Of course, they are predicting more snow tomorrow, with the temperature dropping back to 20 degrees during the day and 10 degrees at night on Tuesday.
It made me think about how we just can’t control everything. I could have been angry and upset when I looked at all the water in the corral and in Silk’s stall this morning, but I consciously chose not to be. Now, with aching arms and back, I’m looking at the forecast and it’s astonishing to think that we’re in for such an abrupt change yet again. I guess that 2009 is going to continue to be a wild ride right up to the end.
Victoria...all of our snow is gone too, but it did not hit 50 degrees here. We may get 4 inches of snow tomorrow. Goin' with the flow...what choice do we have?
Your weather sounds alot like ours! It is so back and forth, it gets very frustrating!
Hope things dry out for you!
Our weather is as crazy as yours now.
I hope you had beautiful Christmas :)
Here's to a new year that has more stable weather for all of us!
We had come reasonably close to drying out and then Christmas Day's rainfall put us back in Muckville. Looks like we'll go from highs of 50 and lows in the upper 30s/40 back down to highs barely breaking 40 and lows down to 18, with 2 days of rain in there as the new year rolls in.
I've been excavating the build-up of loose dirt outside both barn doors, which has helped with the mud, but that's as far as my "control" extends.
Like you, I am having to actively choose acceptance over agitation. And trying to focus on the fact that I'm grateful to have that choice to make. Happy New Year!
We've kept the snow, and it's helping us out with our ice situation, which is good. I agree about not getting angry or frustrated about things we can't control - it's a waste of energy!
Yikes! That sounds like a full days work. Hope weather gives you a bit of a break so you can enjoy the girls instead of their stalls ;-)
The weather is always so crazy lately. I think I'd rather have the snow than the muck. Better button up I hear we're in for some real cold temps in the next few days. That's my favorite, when the hoof cups in the mud freeze, it's like walking on moon craters. Stay warm. Have a great New Year.
Happy new year! for all horse lovers!
WOW! That is a change. Sorry to hear about the flooding. I know what a nightmare that is for you to deal with every year. Our weather has been fairly consistent- freezing at night and chilly during the day, and rain now and then. The frozen mud is awful in the pastures though, the horses hate walking on it! Have a happy new year!
It snowed here last night and it seemed to be slowly melting and I was planning on going to the store, but right after I made some lunch for my kids, the wind started blowing snow sideways. Now we have blizzard white-out conditions. I can't even see 100 feet past my house. bah!
And the wind is so biting, freezing cold.
I could really use an entire day of sunny weather right about now to get caught up on our after-Christmas chores and food shopping...and to get out of the house. I'm going a little bit stir crazy.
Oh well, there is plenty of hot cocoa and even some peppermint schnapps to go with it. We have to make the best of it all, right?
Happy New Year to you, Victoria!
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