For me, the week after Labor Day always marks the true beginning of a new year. As a student, it brought the start of a new school year. When I lived in New York City, everything seemed exciting and electrified in September. There were new ideas and new films and new projects flying around. It always amazes me that even the weather comes alive overnight, with a crispness and a welcome cooling that allows you to try out the new sweater or jacket you just bought.
This morning, I can see that the horses feel the difference too. They are frisky in the corral, jockeying at the gate for first position as they go into the pasture. When they are set free, they race around in circles, chasing each other and kicking up their heels. I know we’re in for more hot weather and Indian summer, but it’s the beginning of my favorite season.
This year, somehow, it’s strange that autumn doesn’t have the joy that it usually does for me. There’s relief for having made it through August, which was a difficult month. But I’m also waiting for news on several important, anxiety-making projects, and it’s hard to be patient. I’ve turned my attention to the horses while I wait. Even there, I’m monitoring Siete’s back hooves for signs of an abscess. Her soreness comes and goes, so I’m worrying that we might be starting our traditional bout with Lyme Disease. It’s happened at this time of year ever since we’ve moved here. So, September is arriving with uncertainty, not its usual exuberance.
It's led me to think about how carefully one must fan the flames of hope or they will just disappear. I also realize that I rarely focus on the decaying that comes with the end of summer. I’ve been noticing more recently the flowers that are dying and the leaves that already have begun to fall. The tomato season was a bust here this year, with a blight taking most of the bounty from my neighbors’ gardens. So, it feels like special attention must be given to finding the bright side of things.
I’ve been telling Silk and Siete all the good stuff we have to look forward to in the coming weeks. There will be lots of delicious apples. The trails become more accessible as the foliage disappears. We won’t need fly spray, and Silk’s itchiness will be gone. There will be pumpkins and hayrides, and my daughter and her friends are making a big scarecrow for a charity auction. The prediction is that the leaves will put on an extra special burst of color with all the rain we’ve had. So, for now, I’m going to let go of what I can’t control and just try to enjoy the sight of two beautiful red horses playing in the cool morning mist.
Wonderful post, Victoria. I love the autumn, and especially "Indian summer."
I sometimes think your blog would make a good book (in print, that is).
Victoria...I too, prefer the fall to summer. The coolness makes me much more ambitious. We had 90 tomato plants and the blight wrecked everyone of them! Sounds like you have a busy time ahead of you.
Thanks, DD - maybe some day....
Lori - I'm so sorry about your tomatoes - 90 plants - what a tragedy!
Glad to see you back and hope all is okay. Don't forget it will soon be cookie baking time with this fall weather!
I've shared that feeling that September is the start of the year. It seems as if everyone, including myself, has a bit of extra energy. Sounds like Silk and Siete are full of it too :)
Our tomatoes sucked this year as well, we got a few cucumbers and zuchini, but tomato, blah! My girls are enjoying the pasture these days as well and trotting around with the fresh cool air. I'm actually enjoying September thus far.
Autumn is also my favorite time of year to ride and train. The mornings are cooler and I don't have to worry about mid-day heat. The spring is too wet where I live so autumn is perfect.
I think the Autumn feels different this year because the Summer was so cool....Usually I am WAY ready for fall, but not as much this year. Although it is still my favorite...
I agree with you. Without hope there is no point in today. And the new season will, as it always does, bring new chances and new excitement.
Fall is also my time of rebirth and fresh beginnings.
Enjoy your lovely red horses.
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