I’m flying off today to do some videotaping in St. Louis. Silk and Siete will be cared for by my husband and daughter while I’m gone. I keep remembering things to tell them about what our normal routine is. They keep assuring me that everything will be fine. Then, a few minutes later, I realize another thing I forgot to mention. There are so many little details involved with caring for my horses that are totally ingrained into my being and my normal day. I don’t normally focus on them because I’ve done them so often that it’s second nature to me.
I’ll only be gone a few days, so I’m sure that everyone will be okay. The biggest thing will be getting some human being up out of bed to feed them early in the morning. Since I have to be up early for my work, I’ll provide them with a wake up call.
Happy Trails until I blog again! (Probably on Wednesday)
I'm just as bad, when going away I leave about 5 pages of "notes" to help out whoever is looking after the animals!
Have a great trip, and don't worry, they girls will be fine, they practically take care of themselves.
I hope you have a productive, stressless trip. Will you tell us at some point what this program is you're producing, so we can watch it? Your blog has so many readers, we could probably affect the Nielsen rating a point or two!
I'm like gecko--I leave copious notes on the animal care. I went to England for 8 days in July and even though the dog/cat/horse/farm sitter is the owner of one of the horses here and she regularly helps out, there are still so many things that she doesn't know about. So, the week before my trip, I started paying attention to what I did each day and would write notes several times a day. It's so hard to go away when you've got so many animals dependant on you.
Safe travels to you.
I always let our farrier care for the critters while we are away and I always write a detailed note with all the contact numbers on it...LOL
Would that I could help out too. Nothing would please me more!
Have a safe trip, Victoria. Don't forget, the girls are only a phone call away.
I always get nervous about leaving my husband in charge of the horses. He's even more forgetful than I am. He's been known to walk outside to discover all their water troughs empty and upside down.
Travel safe. I'm sure the girls will be fine.
I tend to leave detailed notes, but can rely on my daughter to keep things running. My husband will do anything I ask, but doesn't necessarily know all those little touches you mentioned. :)
I recently bought a white board for the tack room and I leave feed instructions on it as well as any owies or areas to watch for each horse, so that I'm not the only one tracking these things.
Janet wrote the magic sentence though - only a phone call away!
Aww, they look sad. Have a safe trip and hurry back to hug those beautiful equine necks again. :)
When I stayed w/my sister's pets for a few days last year, I got a 3page note of directions. It even said that when I let Domino the cat inside, I had to go pet him at the feedbowl before he'd eat. Are you kidding me? See, you are not the only one anal about your pets! They are family members and we are particular about their care! ;)
Anyways, have a great trip! I am sure your family will take good care of your girls.....and they'll appreciate the wake up calls, I'm sure, hee hee!
just bloghopping... great site
Before i leave the house, i have to be sure that Fabio, the handsome sealpoint cat (he makes me call him "handsome"), has his salmon and ice water. If Fabio isnt happy, nobody is happy. But, hey, he lets us live with him!
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