Yesterday, I wrote
about living with uncertainty, dealing with illness – both human and animal --
and the Mystery. When I posted what I
had written in the Creative Group at Bedlam Farm on Facebook, it started a lively
discussion. After sleeping on it, I
realized that I had some things to say that would take more than the comments
section would hold. The conversation
branched off in three directions – caring for our animals and pet insurance,
treating Lyme Disease and accepting the Mystery in our lives.
I was asked why I
decided to put Stella through the series of diagnostic procedures – the MRI,
spinal tap and bone marrow test. Jon
Katz, who has written and thought more about the relationship of humans and
animals than most people, wanted to know what were the limits in my mind,
either in terms of the procedures the dog was to undergo, the trips, the cost
or the emotional toll. Our decisions
about how to do what was best for Stella were based on past experiences with
our other dogs and on the financial safety net that pet insurance gave us.
When we lived in
California, our neighbors put poison in their garden to kill the snails that
were eating their plants. Then, they turned on the sprinklers and the poison
washed into our yard. Not knowing any of
this, I let our dog, Pepper, out in the morning, and the snail poison got on
her paws. It burned, she licked her feet
and started having seizures. I raced her to the vet, who luckily knew
immediately that it was snail poison and pumped her stomach. Ten minutes longer,
and it would have been too late to save her.
Unfortunately, the nerves on the lining of Pepper’s stomach were
permanently damaged, and I had to cook special food so that she could eat for
the rest of her life. This happened when she was four years old, and she lived
a good long life to the age of 14. We
did not have pet insurance, and there were many times throughout Pepper’s life
that I wished we did in order to help with the vet bills.
After Pepper died,
we really wanted to get another dog, but it was during the recession, and we
did not feel that we could make a financial commitment to bringing another
animal into our family. Owning animals
is expensive. I’ve had two horses for almost two decades, and many times, in
order to take care of them, we’ve had to go without for ourselves. I believe that once I have taken
responsibility for an animal's health and well-being, I have committed to doing
whatever is necessary to avoid having my animal suffer ( even if it means that
euthanizing is the most humane answer).
When we reached the point where we
could afford another dog, I researched pet insurance companies carefully. They are not all created equal. Some are
worthless because they don’t cover conditions that are common problems. I found
a company called Embrace Pet Insurance, who even covered hip dysplasia, had
reasonable monthly payments and paid promptly.
I signed up for it the day that we brought Stella home, and I’ve never
regretted it.
Stella is my constant companion, especially since my
husband and daughter are away from home a lot. She goes everywhere with me,
sleeps on our bed, is a dearly loved member of our family. So, when she got
ehrlichiosis and suddenly became extremely ill, and the vet felt there was
another underlying infection that he couldn’t identify and needed to be
treated, we decided that we would use the pet insurance to determine whether it
was cancer or not. If it was, we also
felt that we would not put Stella through the painful and expensive chemo and
radiation required to treat leukemia or lymphoma. I’ve worked with the Leukemia-Lymphoma
Society and know many brave humans who have survived, but my dog doesn’t have
the cognitive abilities humans have to understand what and why and the
treatment is very painful. Luckily, at
this point, the neurologist vet does not see signs of cancer, and has called
Stella’s illness “idiopathic”, meaning it is a mystery.
Now, I think that he is side-stepping the larger
question of whether ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease and other tick illnesses do
greater damage to humans and animals than doctors are willing to
acknowledge. Living in the land of Lyme,
I know many people who suffer from arthritis, memory loss, respiratory problems
and even blindness that they believe have been brought on after being bitten by
ticks. It’s a parasite and it’s
systemic. Once it’s in your body, it will always be there, even if it’s dormant
for years.
Stella’s doctor, who is regarded highly by other vets,
is not willing to go out on a limb and say that an ehrlichia tick is causing
such a life threatening illness.
some reason, the medical profession, both human and animal, refuses to give
tick illnesses serious consideration or research. While Stella was in the hospital, I went
on-line and investigated most of the major vet universities to try to find a
researcher who was working on Lyme or ehrlichia, hoping to find someone who
could shed more light on her illness. I
could only find three doctors, and none of them were studying aspects of the
diseases that had any relation to Stella’s symptoms. So, why aren’t the doctors and pharmaceutical
companies and the federal government interested in funding research and finding
the answers that could help so many sick people and animals? The tick problem keeps growing, but they all
put their blinders on and deny it.
Ten years ago, my horse, Silk, went into shock and
almost died after an ehrlichia tick bit her.
Three years ago, my husband was bitten by a Lyme tick and he almost died
when it caused a heart block. Last
Sunday, when Stella was a dazed, zombie dog, growling at me, obviously in so
much pain, I knew that the only hope for her was to intravenously pump the
antibiotics and steroids in her as fast as possible. We were lucky, and it saved her. Back in the
mid-1980’s, when so many of my friends got sick with AIDS, I witnessed a
similar denial and also discovered the power of standing up and demanding
So, even though I don’t really want to get back on the
soapbox, I’m reaching the point where I believe that it’s time for all of us to
stand up and make some powerful noise.
Why should an insect the size of a speck of dirt cause so much pain and
ruin so many lives? I’m not saying that
the Mystery doesn’t exist, but let’s not chalk it up to that because we’re
trying to hide what’s really going on.